In Kooperation mit den regionalen Tanznetzwerken und Tanzbüros in Deutschland wird der Dachverband Tanz Deutschland auf der tanzmesse nrw 2022 mit einer Ausstellungsfläche (Area) präsent sein. Verbunden damit besteht die Möglichkeit, Künstler*innen zu repräsentieren und ihnen eine Bewerbung für das Programm der internationalen tanzmesse nrw 2022 zu ermöglichen.
Wir laden Künstler*innen, die in Deutschland produzieren ein, diese Möglichkeit zu nutzen und über den Dachverband Tanz Deutschland ein Proposal für die tanzmesse nrw 2022 einzureichen. Hierbei wollen wir vor allem Künstler*innen und Kompanien ansprechen, die bereits über mehrere Produktionen und Gastspiel-Erfahrungen verfügen.
Deadline für die Einreichung ist der 15. November 2021!
Für wen ist eine Teilnahme/Präsenz auf der tanzmesse nrw 2022 interessant?
Was muss ich tun, wenn ich diese Chance nutzen möchte?
Der Dachverband Tanz Deutschland benötigt eine formlose Interessensbekundung mit dem Vor- und Zunamen der einreichenden Person, den Namen der Kompanie und die zugehörige E-Mail-Adresse. Bitte sende diese Informationen an: Corinna Weber,
Der Dachverband Tanz Deutschland versendet nach Erhalt der Interessenbekundung per E-Mail eine Einladung mit einem Link, über den selbständig ein Proposal eingereicht werden kann.
Wie viele Künstler*innen / Kompanien können sich auf diesen Call bewerben?
Welche Kosten entstehen für mich?
Was passiert, wenn mein Proposal angenommen wird?
Für weitere Fragen stehen die regionalen Tanznetzwerke und Tanzbüros, ebenso wie der Dachverband Tanz Deutschland zur Verfügung.
Application period: 10 February to 15 March 2022
In collaboration with the regional dance networks and Tanzbüro dance offices in Germany, the German Dance Association (DTD) will be operating a curated booth with an exhibition area at the internationale tanzmesse nrw 2022 (professional network meeting for contemporary dance). Our goal is to present, on the basis of artistic positions, several key topics that will be of greater importance within the German dance scene in the future and to examine these topics in more detail. At the same time, we want to showcase dance in the federal states and municipalities and are therefore also inviting artists who do not associate themselves with these topics to submit an application.
The project presents an opportunity to represent artists, to assist them in their networking efforts and to support their participation in the internationale tanzmesse nrw 2022 with a travel allowance and a grant covering the accreditation costs.
We invite artists who produce their works in Germany to take advantage of this opportunity and submit an application via the DTD (German Dance Association) to participate in the "Dance update Germany" project. We especially want to reach artists and companies who already have production and guest performance experience. Applicants do not need to refer to a particular thematic focus or specify what they consider an important issue for the German dance scene in their letter of motivation. Possible topics include dance for young audiences, sustainability, cultural policy dialogue, social issues in dance, diversity, inclusion, etc.
Who would benefit from participating in the internationale tanzmesse nrw 2022 as part
of the booth operated by the regional dance networks in collaboration with the DTD?
What can the regional dance networks and the German Dance Association offer artists
involved in the "Dance update Germany" project?
Note: Support to fund the participation of cultural producers and managers is available
through the Kreativ-Transfer programme:
What will be funded?
Travel costs for a companion: Applicants who cannot travel without a companion due to physical and/or mental limitations or childcare requirements may also apply for a travel grant for the companion.
Receipt date: Only receipts with a receipt date on or after the application date can be accepted for
reimbursement purposes.
How many artists/companies can be supported?
Note: The principle of gender equality is particularly important to the project organisers.
Women and men will be supported equally.
Which documents must be submitted?
Application deadline: Applications can be submitted in written form or as a video in German Sign Language until 15 March, 2022. Applications must be submitted using the online form.
Each company may only submit one application.
Jury decision
An independent jury will review the applications in mid-April 2022. The results will be communicated via e-mail and the funding recipients will be announced on the German Dance Association website.
What happens if my application is accepted?
Please contact the regional dance networks, a Tanzbüro dance office or the German Dance Association if you have any additional questions.
Your contact person at the German Dance Association for queries, especially regarding the reduction of access barriers, is Corinna Weber:
Note on documents and storage of the online form
A list of the documents required for the application can be found on the online form. Although this form can be accessed at any time and may be viewed as often as desired, the interim saving of data and uploaded files is not possible.
Note on barriers
Although the German Dance Association is continuously striving to reduce barriers, the application process is unfortunately still subject to certain barriers. If you are affected, we ask you or a person you trust to contact us and let us know what you need. We will then gladly try to arrange assistance and, after consultation, assume the costs for a sign language interpreter, for example. We also strive to provide professional expert support in order to make the application and selection process more inclusive and lower barriers with respect to all calls for proposals.
The project is supported by the German Dance Association e.V. (DTD) and implemented by the DTD in collaboration with the regional dance networks and Tanzbüro dance offices in Germany.
Open Call as PDF file in English