Statement on budget cuts

In the last few days of the year, budget decisions for 2025 and 2026 will be made in municipalities and federal states. In recent years, politicians have repeatedly claimed that culture is the glue that holds our society together and that culture is also systemically relevant. Now, however, the red pencil is being applied and the bad news for culture is piling up. This also applies to dance. And the two states with the largest dance scenes are sending out alarming signals. In North Rhine-Westphalia, which sees itself as the ‘No. 1 dance state’, the International Dance Fair and IDAS NRW - International Dance Artist Service are no longer being funded for the coming years. In Berlin, the federal state with the largest dance scene in Germany, funding programmes are being cut and a large proportion of the cuts are being made to funding programmes for independent artists. 
Leading dance countries are damaging themselves. It is fatal that cuts are being made to the very programmes and projects that stand for internationality and diversity. Internationality and diversity characterise dance. The art form thrives on cultural encounters, on the diversity of origins and bodies. This is precisely why dance can reach and connect people, can reflect the diversity and internationality in our society. However, doubting the values and the future of this diversity of cultures and origins is something that radical forces have in their programme. 
As an umbrella organisation for dance, we therefore see it as a central task to continue our commitment to strong cultural funding, together with the networks in local and state governments and at federal level. 

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Through initiatives and projects, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland advances the nationwide issues of dance and its impact in many areas of society. Here we present our ongoing projects and funding programs.



The German Dance Association (Dachverband Tanz Deutschland) calls on dance associations and institutions as well as all dance professionals to submit proposals for the German Dance Award 2026.

The deadline for submissions is January 17, 2025.

The next edition of the German Dance Award will be postponed from autumn 2025 to spring 2026 for scheduling reasons. The date for the award ceremony will be announced shortly.

The German Dance Award honors outstanding personalities of dance in Germany and recognizes current positions in dance. The focus is on the artistic work of choreographers, dancers, ensembles or collectives. Nevertheless, personalities from the fields of dance education, journalism, science or other areas of dance creation can also be nominated. In addition, the German Dance Association awards two honours: optionally an honour for lifetime achievement, an honour for outstanding performer/outstanding ensemble/collective or an honour for outstanding development in dance.

Submit proposals for the German Dance Award 2026 now!

CLICK HERE for the online form for submitting proposals.


Work Areas

The Federal Association for Dance in Germany acts in the long term as a network partner for dance professionals, cultural practitioners, civil society actors, and policymakers. The fields of work include all issues related to the development of dance art and its visibility - from dance education, production and presentation of dance, dance research and dance science to documentation, public relations and presence of dance in the media. Furthermore, the DTD strives for a comprehensive participation of all citizens in the diversity of the art of dance.


ACTION DAY at the Brandenburg Gate

On 13 September 2024, the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, together with Bureau Ritter and JOINT ADVENTURES / NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ, initiated the ‘Dance creates cohesion’ day of action in Berlin in front of the Brandenburg Gate.
We showed the power and creativity of dance to connect people. With performances and lecture demonstrations, hands-on activities, interviews and jam sessions, we entered into a great exchange of experiences.
The day culminated in a large demonstration with dance and for dance. Statements from artists and politicians mingled with music and dance. The diversity and potential of dance was made visible in the public space and brought into the political dialogue. We talked and danced together! Impressions of the day of action can be found here.

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Wir als Dachverband Tanz Deutschland unterstützen die Kampagne SHIELD & SHINE - denn wir sind auch DIE VIELEN, die gegen Rassismus, Ausgrenzung und Rechtsextremismus aufstehen. Wir rufen alle unsere Mitglieder, Kolleg*innen und unsere Freund*innen in Kultur und Politik auf, sich der Kampagne anzuschließen und lokal Proteste, Diskussionen und Sichtbarkeit zu organisieren.

HOW TO & AKTIONSWOCHEN: Als Handreichung und Unterstützung für regionale und lokale VIELEN Gruppen gibt es ein HOW TO SHIELD & SHINE Pdf mit Anregungen, Tipps und mehr für Aktionen. Weiteres Material, Logos, Dateien und Informationen als Download

Die Aktionen sollen bzw. können sich vor allem auf die folgenden Zeiträumen konzentrieren:

  • 03.06.-09.06.2024 Aktionswoche EUROPA DEN VIELEN
  • 26.08.-01.09.2024 Bundesweite Aktionswoche gegen die Normalisierung von rechtsextremer Politik

Wir planen derzeit auch entsprechende Aktionen und werden Sie über unseren Newsletter und unsere Social Media-Kanäle auf dem Laufenden halten!

German Dance Association

Get to know us!

Dachverband Tanz Deutschland acts as a long-term network partner for dance professionals, cultural practitioners, civil society actors, and politicians at the state, federal, and EU levels. In this context, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland carries out networking, advisory and mediation work for professional dance practitioners, associations and art and educational institutions. On the individual project pages you will find detailed information about the projects and individual events and workshops.