Ethics Committee

There are no power-free spaces - not even in dance. As an art form in which the body is at the center, dance requires special attention

At the end of 2021, the DTD Ethics Committee began its work. Its goal is to address experiences of discrimination, oppression or abuse in the dance world. In doing so, the commission offers information material about structures, mechanisms and behaviors that promote discrimination, suggestions for self-critical reflection, and points of contact for networking and exchange.

The commission consists of nine members who bring different expertise (legal, medical, psychological, pedagogical, trade union, artistic) from stage dance and the independent scene.
Central to the commission are the ethical guidelines.

Individual consulting is currently not part of our field of work.


It calls for people to sign up to the voluntary commitment:


"We commit ourselves/I commit to advocating for a discrimination-sensitive and power-critical work environment in dance that protects all participants from discrimination, abuse of power, and sexualized violence, and treats each other with respect and appreciation."


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Members of the Ethics Committee

Questions, concerns, and issues related to the topic area of "Ethics in Dance" can be submitted to the Ethics Committee via the email address: ethik(at)


Antje Klinge

Prof. Dr. Peggy Meyer-Hansel

Margrit Bischof

Dhélé Agbetou

Machiel Borger

Ilona Pászthy

Adil Laraki