The German Dance Association (Dachverband Tanz Deutschland) is connected to the topic of cultural education in many ways through its members - be it the dance education associations, the artists' associations or the permanent dance and ballet ensembles at German theaters. In the "Chance Tanz" project, we have joined forces around the initiative of the German Dance Association in schools with success!
The German Dance Association is involved in the communication and committees of the "Chance Tanz" project within the framework of "Kultur macht stark," a project of Aktion Tanz / Bundesverband Tanz in Bildung und Gesellschaft. The Federal Ministry of Science and Research has funded the project "Chance Tanz" of the Bundesverband Tanz in Schulen e.V. with up to 6 million Euros from 2013 to 2017.The program has been extended by 5 years and runs until 2022.
Furthermore, the German Dance Association is represented in the board of trustees of the so called Tanztreffens der Jugend - a youth dance festival.
Dance pedagogy as a field deals with the didactics and methodology for reflection and transmission of the experiences made in dance practice. The aim is to qualify teachers to pass on traditions, methods and dance techniques to future students.
The German Dance Association promotes high quality in dance education in training and further education, in cultural education as well as in dance with children and young people.
Present. Reality. Future. Visions.
The Ballet Academy of the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich (HMTM) and the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V. (DTD) will host the symposium »Tanzausbildung im Wandel« on 25./26.11.2022 in Munich (and digitally).
Workshop: How to create dance tutorials (Part II of Digital dance education)
live seminar (presence): May 8th 2022 Dortmund (Ballettzentrum Westfalen)
live seminar: May 22nd 2022 Munich
live seminar: June 12th 2022 Hamburg
live seminar: June 26th 2022 Berlin
The German Dance Association is connected to the topic of cultural education in many ways through its members - be it the dance education associations, the artists' associations or the permanent dance and ballet ensembles. In the "Chance Tanz" project, we have joined forces around the initiative of the German Dance Association in schools. With success!
The German Dance Association participates in the communication and committees of the project „Chance Tanz“ within the framework of "Kultur macht stark", a project of Aktion Tanz / Bundesverband Tanz in Bildung und Gesellschaft. The Federal Ministry of Science and Research has funded the project „Chance Tanz“ of the Bundesverband Tanz in Schulen e.V. with up to 6 million euros from 2013 to 2017.The program has been extended by 5 years and runs until 2022.
Furthermore, the German Dance Association is represented in the board of trustees of the Tanztreffens der Jugend.
The study, commissioned by Tanzplan Deutschland e.V., the umbrella organization Tanz Deutschland e.V., and Tanz ist Klasse e.V., was conducted by the Center for Cultural Research (ZfKf) and describes recommendations and guidance for the development of quality requirements in the field of dance education or dance pedagogy.
Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz (AK|T) was founded in 2006 by representatives of all federal dance training institutions in Germany and sees itself as a working group and national interest group with the goal of strengthening professional dance training in Germany (BA, MA / Diplom / Bühnenreifeprüfung).
Aktion Tanz – Bundesverband Tanz in Bildung und Gesellschaft e.V. is a member of Dachverband Tanz Deutschland and contributes expertise from this area of dance in education and society.
The so called Deutscher Berufsverband für Tanzpädagogik e.V. (German Association for Dance Education) contributes expertise and offers workshops and advice for members. Unfortunately the website is only availlable in German.
The Royal Academy of Dance is a leader in dance education and training and offers a diverse qualification program.