Social issues in Dance

The German Dance Association is committed - in exchange and cooperation with associations and initiatives - to dance and the performing arts as well as to the social issues of dance professionals. It also conducts surveys and initiates discussions on issues such as accessibility and inclusion.

Recognition of professional status and the problem of transition are central issues. The impulses of the associations, also supported by the German Dance Association, gave rise to the foundation TANZ - Transition Zentrum Deutschland (DZI). The foundation advises, accompanies and awards scholarships to dance professionals in transition to a new profession after an active career as a dancer.

The representation of interests at the Künstlersozialkasse and the Bayerische Versorgungskammer is carried out by the associations of the performing arts.

Evaluation of the survey on the situation of freelance dance professionals in times of pandemic (2021)

In February 2020, the German Dance Association conducted a "survey to record the situation of freelance dance professionals as well as all trades in the context of the current pandemic (from March 2020 to the end of July 2020) and corresponding aid programs". We present the results and our resulting tasks and recommendations for action for cultural policy in Germany here.

Situation freier Tanzschaffender im Kontext der Pandemie: Deskriptive Auswertung der Umfrage des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (Zeitraum: 12.Februar – 21.Feb 2021)


Foundation Stiftung Tanz – Transition Zentrum Deutschland

"The foundation serves exclusively and directly the charitable purpose of supporting dancers during their training and career in their artistic development and performance, and after the end of their active dance career and during the transition to a new profession (= transition), to support them ideally and materially through all measures suitable for this purpose."

Link zum PDF der Stiftung Tanz: Tanz! Und danach? (only in German)


The German Dance Association supports the network Dancersconnect, a neutral and informal platform for professional dancers in permanent ensembles and the independent dance scene in Germany.


By implementing the Artists' Social Insurance Act (KSVG), the Artists' Social Insurance Fund ensures that self-employed artists and publicists enjoy similar protection in the statutory social insurance system as employees. You can find out more about the possibilities of insuring yourself in the Künstlersozialkasse under:



Bayerische Versorgungskammer

The Versorgungsanstalt der deutschen Bühnen - also known as "Bühnenversorgung" for short - offers employees of German theaters additional insurance coverage in addition to the statutory pension insurance in the event of old age, occupational disability and death.

Deutscher Bühnenverein

The German Stage Association aims to preserve, promote and maintain the unique diversity of the theater & orchestra landscape and its offerings. There you will also find information on current developments, networks and projects.

Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste

As the umbrella organization of the 16 state associations and 4 associated associations, the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. represents the interests of its more than 2300 members at the federal level.