Dance Medicine

The German Dance Association sees the aspects of dance medicine - in therapeutic practice and prevention as well as in scientific research - as an important element in the overall social impact of dance.

The approaches of dance medicine not only benefit the health of dancers, they provide impulses for general medicine and health care for all. In the German-speaking world, scientific studies have been dealing more extensively with the field of dance medicine since the early 1980s. In the Anglo-American area, this process began earlier. Reference should therefore be made to the Performing Arts Medicine Association based in the USA.

The competence for this field lies in the German Dance Association with our member Tanzmedizin Deutschland e.V. Founded in 1997, the association now has over 500 members and is significantly shaping the developments of dance medicine in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

"As a young science, dance medicine is already international research terrain. Dance medicine care is an essential component throughout the dancer's career. Dance medicine research, teaching and practice must therefore be integrated into dancers' training and jobs."

Conference for Dance Medicine | e.V.

"Gesundheitsförderung durch TANZ für TANZENDE" e.V. has organized an annual congress for dance medicine in Germany since 2003. The documentation can be ordered via the website of tamed e.V. from 2012.

Foundation "Stiftung TANZ"

Stiftung TANZ (Dance Foundation) - Transition Center Dance Germany e.V. is committed to the field of dance medicine. In 2013, the Dance Foundation, in cooperation with various partners, conducted a study under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Eileen M. Wanke, which was published under the title: "Health in professional stage dance - results of a nationwide cross-sectional study" and can be accessed online.

Wanke, E. M.; Schmidt, M. Health in professional stage dance - results of a nationwide cross-sectional study ISBN 978-3-00-067636-9

Publication Series

(Most resources are availlable in German only)

Unfallkasse Nordrhein-Westfalen, Schriftenreihe "Prävention in NRW". Darunter für den Bereich Tanz interessant:

Nr.: 77: Prävention in NRW - Handlungsleitfaden zur Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastungen für Beschäftigte in der darstellenden Kunst

Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V., Schriftenreihe. Darunter für den Bereich Tanz interessant:

Prävention von Unfällen im professionellen Bühnentanz

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tanztherapie e.V. (auf der Website finden Sie ein Archiv der Publikationen ab 2000, Downloads als PDF verfügbar)

Forum Tanztherapie - Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Tanztherapie

Association for Dance Medicine & Science (umfangreiches Onlinearchiv, einige Ressourcen sind in verschiedenen Landessprachen verfügbar)

Journal of Dance Medicine & Science