Dance has been studied in a variety of historical, cultural, social, and aesthetic contexts, with a focus on "Western" traditions and a distinction between social and stage dance. What is the current state of dance studies and what role does dance play in current scientific research, e.g. in theater studies, medicine or neuroscience? Numerous conferences and exhibitions deal with dance in Germany.
The German Dance Association is involved in the network of German dance archives and maintains contacts with various theater and dance research institutes at universities in Germany and abroad.
Selection of institutes with references to research focus:
Fachbereich Tanzwissenschaft am Institut für Theaterwissenschaft der Universität Leipzig
Zentrum für Bewegungsforschung am Institut für Theaterwissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin, Deutschland | Leitung: Prof. Dr. Gebriele Brandstetter
Die Website versammelt als Onlinearchiv vor allem Beiträge von 2005 bis 2016.
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The German Dance Association cooperates with the Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung (gtf). The gtf supports research activities in the field of dance. It sees itself as a place of dance-scientific discourse and works on current thematic complexes. The approach of an open research concept integrates scientific knowledge and dance practice in artistic, pedagogical and therapeutic fields. Thus, the gtf primarily addresses dancers, choreographers, dance teachers, dance therapists and dance scholars, but also those interested in dance from the fields of journalism, theater, film, television, art and music. The society thrives on the cooperation of its members and offers them space for project groups. In addition, the exchange and networking of young scholars is promoted.
For more information on the members, publications and events of the gtf, please visit: