Initiatives of the German Dance Association


With the InfoPlus initiative, the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (DTD) has been supporting the exchange and networking between independent producers, agents, managers and freelance production offices since 2012. For more information, please go to InfoPlus Initiative.


"Es spricht der Tanz, es tanzt die Politik" (2018 bis 2019)

Inspired by the campaign "40,000 Theater Employees Meet Their Members of Parliament" " by Dramaturgische Gesellschaft, Ensemble-Netzwerk, Bund der Szenographen and others, the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland launched the initiative "10,000 Dance Professionals Talk to Their Politicians" from April 29, 2018 to April 29, 2019. The aim was to make dance accessible and tangible, to talk about the conditions of the professional field of dance or to dance together.


Working group Ethics

Since 2018, the members of the Ethics Working Group have been working intensively on the establishment of an Ethics Committee of the German Dance Association. In the future, the committee will advise the association and its members independently on ethical issues and take a position on general ethical topics in dance. The draft rules of procedure and the statutes of the future Ethics Committee are currently being discussed in the board and with the members of the German Dance Association.


Digitization working group

The board of the German Dance Association is working on a digital strategy. The digital offerings of the German Dance Association are to be expanded. Expertise is to be pooled and existing websites updated or new platforms developed. The greatest challenge is the amount of editorial work to be done on complex topics in order to make dance more visible in the media, while at the same time protecting copyrights and developing new technologies at an ever faster pace.


Dance Pedagogy I und II

Questions and further developments in the field of dance education and dance pedagogy have been intensively promoted by the German Dance Association for several years. Currently, two working groups are active:

Working group Dance Pedagogy I is working on the development of a professional register.

Working group Dance Pedagogy II is working on an exchange platform and on the preparation of a conference on dance pedagogy and dance mediation.