Who dances where in Germany? How many permanent dance ensembles exist in Germany? Where can I find dance classes and professional training? What are the best projects of dance in schools? What is "state of the art" in dance science? How does dance medicine not only protect the health of professional dancers, but is far ahead in research for health through movement? How many objects and documents do the dance archives in Germany preserve?
There is still no compact overview of dance in Germany. Much information can be found in other sources, such as the statistics of the German Stage Association or the publications of the Federal Association of Independent Theaters, the Performing Arts Fund or the International Theater Institute. The German Dance Association also hosts various websites that collect various infomation. The links can be found on our landing page under "Get to know us better". The members and partners of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland are working on a publication on dance in Germany - with facts and figures from the world of artistic dance. First information and drafts of "maps" of dance in Germany and a hopefully helpful PDF or link collection can be found here.Journalists can use our Press Center or contact Public Relations for further questions.
Ergebnisse der Umfrage zur Situation freier Tanzschaffender im Kontext der Pandemie (Feb 2021)
Symposium Positionen Tanz (2018 - 2020)
"Zugänge schaffen" - Verbund Deutscher Tanzarchive (2016)
Stiftung Tanz Jubiläumsbroschüre
Tanz in Deutschland - Verbände und Institutionen (2021)
Positionspapier der Kulturstiftung der Länder zum Umgang mit Künstler-Vor- und Nachlässen (Autorin: Dr. Britta Kaiser-Schuster, erschienen im Juli 2019) (in German / Paper on the handling of artists' estates)