PAMPA Networking Event

01 March 2024 at Goethe Institut Bucharest

Are you a producer / cultural worker in the performing arts?

Come to meet PAMPA, an international network of producers, agents, and managers based in Europe.

When: 1st of March, at 18:30 – 20.00 CET
Where: Goethe Institut Bucharest – Pavilion 32

Costs: The participation is free of charge.

The event is an opportunity to meet an international network, learn about each other’s context, work conditions and also find out which are our common motivations despite the differences between each country where each person is based.

PAMPA is a new international network and the result of more than 2 years of discussions, surveys, meetings, and analysis and creates a professional association for producers, agents, managers, who work in the performing arts.

It aims to build cooperation between cultural workers and demystify the roles of the producer, agent, manager, it aims to share knowledge and to create a system of professional support; to establish a set of guidelines for ethical, sustainable, and inclusive work practices; to advocate for the profession; and protect the rights of the cultural producers.

More info about PAMPA on