Claudia Rosiny
Claudia Rosiny has been responsible for the performing arts at the Federal Office of Culture, Bern, since 2021, previously responsible for dance and theater from 2012. In addition, she teaches and publishes, among others: Dance Film, Intermedial Relations between Media History and Modern Dance Aesthetics, Bielefeld: transcript 2013, Contemporary Dance. Körper, Konzepte, Kulturen, Bielefeld: transcript 2007. She studied theater, film and television studies in Cologne and Amsterdam and received her PhD from the University of Bern with a thesis on video dance. She directed the Berner Tanztage from 1991 to 2007 and established a forum for media and design at the Kornhaus Bern from 1998 to 2007. After a fellowship stay in New York City in 2008-2009, she was a consultant and project manager at the Swiss Dance Archive, now SAPA (Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts), from 2009 to 2012.
Philipp Contag-Lada
Philipp Contag-Lada has been working as a media artist for over 20 years at numerous theaters and galleries throughout Europe and teaches media art at several universities.
He has won several awards for his technical and aesthetic innovations. He also advises theaters on setting up departments dealing with video and multimedia.
Dieter Schneider
Dieter Schneider worked as a radio editor, author and producer for ZDF, 3sat and ARTE. From 2012 to 2017 he headed the editorial department Theater, Pop, Event/ARTE at ZDF, from 2017 the editorial department Culture/Music/ARTE at ZDF, since 2020 as deputy head.
Helge Letonja
Helge Letonja is a choreographer, festival and project developer, dance producer, organizer, and lecturer, and has been the artistic director and managing director of steptext dance project Bremen for over 20 years. After his training in classical and contemporary dance, his international career as a dancer took him to the Bremen Tanztheater with Susanne Linke, among others. There he founded steptext in 1996 as a freelance company and has since choreographed around 40 dance pieces presented in Germany and abroad. In 2003 he was one of the concept developers and founders of the Schwankhalle Bremen. He is involved in a variety of institutional as well as artistic collaborations for the regional and international development of dance, opening it up as a mediator of cultural diversity, social participation, interdisciplinary art and research.
Alexandra Georgieva
Alexandra Georgieva has been Ballet Director of the Friedrichstadt-Palast Berlin since 2018. She received her training at the Sofia State Ballet and Choreography School, graduating as a state-certified stage dancer in 1985. After an internship at the State Opera Sofia and an engagement at the State Musical Theater there, she joined the Palast in Berlin as a dancer in 1990 and took on her first solo role after only six months. She completed her dance pedagogical training while working.
In 2008 she ended her career as a dancer and took over the direction of the worldwide unique ballet ensemble. She is also a volunteer for the German Dance Award, the Dell'Era Memorial Foundation and the Federal German Ballet and Dance Theater Directors' Conference, among others.
Ina Göring
Ina worked as a producer, production manager and director in the film, television and animation industry during and after her studies at Babelsberg Film University. She then worked for several years in the media team of the Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB). Most recently, Ina worked as a consultant in the new media funding division for Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. She was responsible for the funding programs "Innovative Audiovisual Content" (funding of games, VR and AR projects) and "Location Measures" (events). At game, Ina is Maren's contact person for all questions regarding games funding and supports the regional representatives in their work.
Florian Jenett
Since 2016, Florian Jenett has been Professor of Media Informatics in the Department of Design at Mainz University of Applied Sciences. He is co-founder of the exhibition and production platform basis e.V., Frankfurt, and has worked for many years on Processing, an international open source project for creative work with programming code. Jenett is also a member of NODE - Verein zur Förderung digitaler Kultur. Since 2010, he has been conducting research for Motion Bank, which he has co-directed with Scott deLahunta since 2014 and which has been based at Mainz University of Applied Sciences since 2017.