• What is the goal of tanz:digital?

    What is the goal of tanz:digital?

    Dance artists, dance ensembles and dance institutions are to be strengthened in the media presentation of artistic productions. The aim is to develop innovative choreographic/artistic formats and to test new recording and production formats (e.g. working with bodycams, 3D and 360o recording techniques, VR and AR applications, streaming and video-on-demand productions, format development for social networks and gaming).

    On the one hand, the call is intended to promote innovative approaches that experiment with new formats and technologies. On the other hand, the application and transformation of already proven formats for work with a larger ensemble and for a large audience is also to be promoted.

  • What is eligible for promotion?

    What is eligible for promotion?

    Personnel costs/ fees/ material costs/ travel costs/ acquisition costs/ rights declarations


    no entertainment expenses

  • Who can apply?

    Who can apply?

    Eligible to apply are natural persons and legal entities with their (residence) in Germany and whose work focuses on dance.


  • Can I apply even though I am funded by DTD through another programme?

    Can I apply even though I am funded by DTD through another programme?

    Yes, if the project meets the requirements and is completely different from the other project already funded.


  • What sums can be applied for?

    What sums can be applied for?

    For the most part, up to € 60,000. 10% cash equity must be available.


  • How many projects are funded?

    How many projects are funded?

    Up to 20 projects will be funded.


  • Where and how can I get advice?

    Where and how can I get advice?

    By phone: +49 (0) 30 20 84 99 810 (Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-2 pm.)                     
    Team: Indra and Julia  Language: German and English
    Via mail: tanz-digital@dachverband-tanz.de


  • Is a personal contribution necessary?

    Is a personal contribution necessary?

    An own contribution of 10% in cash must be made to all projects. These can also be provided by third-party funds, co-financing from cities, the federal state, foundations or sponsors. It is not possible to bring in funding from another federal funding program (Fonds Darstellende Künste, Kulturstiftung des Bundes, NEUSTART KULTUR der BKM) as own funds, since this funding was awarded for other specific projects. The third-party funds must be formally confirmed by 06.11.2022.


  • Can I apply again even if I have already been funded by tanz:digital?

    Can I apply again even if I have already been funded by tanz:digital?

    Yes, it is possible. You can either apply with a follow-up project or submit a new project. Please note that the jury will have a strong focus on the projects of not yet funded applicants.


  • When is the application deadline?

    When is the application deadline?

    The application deadline is November 06, 2022 (11:59 p.m.).

  • For what period of time can be applied for?

    For what period of time can be applied for?

    From January 01, 2023 to June 30, 2023.

  • Who reviews the applications?

    Who reviews the applications?

    The examination of the applications takes place in the office of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

  • Who decides on the applications?

    Who decides on the applications?

    The applications will be evaluated by an independent jury.

    tanz digital 2 Jury: Csongor Baranyai (Professor for Game Design at the University of Europe) / Nader Ait-Laouad (Film Director/shutocrew) / Lutz Gregor (Dance Filmmaker) / Ágota Harmati (Festival Director Moovy Festival) / Guido Markowitz (Ballet Director Pforzheim) / Claudia Rosiny (Media Science) / Annina Zwettler (ARTE/ IMZ)

  • Are cooperations possible?

    Are cooperations possible?

    Cooperations are desired. There must be an applicant. Cooperation with dance archives is not a "must".


  • Presentation on the new platform tanz:digital

    Presentation on the new platform tanz:digital

    For the German Dance Association it is desirable to present the emerging projects on a new platform. There should be no exclusivity.


  • Does a project account need to be opened for funding or may the funds go into the private account?

    Does a project account need to be opened for funding or may the funds go into the private account?

    No, there is no need to open a project account.

  • Where can I find the funds request form?

    Where can I find the funds request form?

    You can find a template for download here: www.dachverband-tanz.de/fileadmin/dateien_DTD/PDFs/Projekte_laufende/tanz_digital/DIGI_Anlage3_Vorlage.pdf

  • How long does it take to receive the money in the account?

    How long does it take to receive the money in the account?

    About 7-10 business days.


  • How much time do I have to spend the money?

    How much time do I have to spend the money?

    3 weeks, after receipt in the account.


  • Do I have to draw down the funds monthly or can I also draw down the funds collectively after, for example, 3 months?

    Do I have to draw down the funds monthly or can I also draw down the funds collectively after, for example, 3 months?

    The best is to do it monthly, but it is also possible to do it retroactively for several months in larger amounts.


  • What do I have to consider when it comes to travel expenses and hotel bookings?

    What do I have to consider when it comes to travel expenses and hotel bookings?

    Please follow the Federal Travel Expenses Act: https://www.bva.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Bundesbedienstete/Mobilitaet-Reisen/RV_RK_TG_UK/Informationen_Reisekosten/LangInfo_neuesBRKG.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=12

    Important: Travel expenses are never settled as a lump sum, but always documented.


  • My project ends on 30.06.2023. When must the call for funds for December be received at the latest?

    My project ends on 30.06.2023. When must the call for funds for December be received at the latest?

    The funds must be requested within the 15.06.2023.


  • To which account do I transfer the grant funds back if I have not used them within the 3-week period?

    To which account do I transfer the grant funds back if I have not used them within the 3-week period?

    Please transfer the money back to us stating your project number:

    Dachverband Tanz Deutschland
    IBAN  DE72 4306 0967 1170 8258 00
    (GLS Bank)


  • How and where do I indicate logos and references to the funding?

    How and where do I indicate logos and references to the funding?

    The grant holder is obliged to refer to the funding at all events and publications (print, visual media, social media, film...) of the funded project and on its existing websites with the following sentence:

    "Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the programme NEUSTART KULTUR, Hilfsprogramm tanz:digital des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland." 
    (EN: "Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR, aid programm tanz:digital by the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland").

    The logos of the BKM, NEUSTART KULTUR and Dachverband Tanz Deutschland must be added to this. The logo may not be distorted, disproportionately scaled or changed in colour.

    Should this not be possible in exceptional cases, this must be agreed with the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

    The three logos shall be reproduced in the same size. The logo of the BKM must be linked to the website of the BKM www.kulturstaatsministerin.de when used on websites. Likewise, the logo of the NEUSTART KULTUR programme must be linked to the BKM website for the NEUSTART KULTUR programme https://www.kulturstaatsministerin.de/neustartkultur when used on websites.

    The logo of the funded person must be clearly highlighted in relation to the logo of the BKM, NEUSTART KULTUR and Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

    The exact requirements can be found in Annex 4 of your funding contract (Attention: Updated version since June 2022!).


  • How do I refer to the sponsors specifically in print media?

    How do I refer to the sponsors specifically in print media?

    Reference must be made to the funding by the following sentence:

    "Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, tanz:digital aid programme of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland."

    The logos of the BKM, NEUSTART KULTUR and Dachverband Tanz Deutschland are to be added to this. The three logos are to be reproduced in the same size.
    Should this not be possible in exceptional cases, this must be agreed with the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

    The size of the sponsors' logos must not exceed the following specifications:

    When publicising the funding on front pages, posters, in the interior or back pages of publications, the logos mentioned above (BKM, NEUSTART KULTUR and Dachverband Tanz Deutschland) as well as the logos of possible co-sponsors together should not take up more than approx. 10 % of the respective area visible at a glance (e.g. in the case of DIN A4 format, DIN A7 must be used for several sponsors).
    The message of the poster is clearly legible in front of the reference to all sponsors and your name/institution/project is clearly highlighted in relation to all sponsors (= the message/name must be at least twice the size of the area of all sponsors).


  • After the end of the project: When and where do I send the report on expenditure of funds?

    After the end of the project: When and where do I send the report on expenditure of funds?

    The report on expenditure of funds is sent to verwendungsnachweis@dachverband-tanz.de no later than three months after the end of the project. The signed report must also be sent by mail to Dachverband Tanz Deutschland Mariannenplatz 2 10997 Berlin by mail.


  • Can the factual report be submitted in English?

    Can the factual report be submitted in English?



  • Is it possible to postpone the funding period again?

    Is it possible to postpone the funding period again?

    In justified cases, the funding period can be postponed again. For this purpose, a formal notice of change must be issued. Please contact the tanz:digital team if you need to do so.


  • Can I submit applications during the funding period for projects that take place after the funding from tanz:digital?

    Can I submit applications during the funding period for projects that take place after the funding from tanz:digital?

    Yes, that's not a problem.


  • Who do I contact if I need advice on rules of international working?

    Who do I contact if I need advice on rules of international working?

    Touring Artist



  • I need help with a financial plan

    I need help with a financial plan

    Transmissions: https://transmissions.de/?page_id=43