An evaluation proves that the funding is a perfect fit for dance professionals and dance schools.
TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund on "VOICES OF DANCE". Episode 1: Sebastian Weber wants to get out of the bubble
The German Dance Association will be present at AGORA at the internationale tanzmesse nrw 2024 with its own area and the projects Kreativ-Transfer,…
TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund at “VOICES OF DANCE”. Episode 3: Exchanging ideas in movement: Hamburg choreographer Jenny Beyer invites you to the Open…
Der Tanz und die Darstellenden Künste müssen angemessen vom Bund gefördert werden!
TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund at “VOICES OF DANCE”. Episode 4: The LUNA PARK initiative runs an artist residency at a Berlin elementary school
Kreativ-Transfer presents four companies from Germany as the first showcase from Germany at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2024!
Kreativ-Transfer will once again be represented at devcom and gamescom this year.
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