We are looking for an employee in the program tanz digital / rights management.
The fourth symposium on the topic of "Creating Access - Diversity" took place in October 2021. The recordings of the individual contributions can be…
The team of DIS-TANZ START offers further information sessions (online). Please sign up, if you are interessted.
Bewerbungen für das Förderprogramm tanz digital noch bis 31.01.2022.
New calls for applications for game developers within the programme Kreativ-Transfer.
Input and Q&A „Transport & Customs“
NEU! Ihr habt Fragen zur Antragsstellung: Ruft an am Donnerstag 27.01. 10-18 Uhr 030/208499810
Input & Q&A „Steuern international“ with Sebastian Hoffmann | touring artists on 02 March 2022.
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