DIS-TANZ-SOLO funds 516 projects in the 4th round.

The jury selected 516 projects by solo dance practitioners with a funding volume of almost 4.4 million euros.

DIS-TANZ-SOLO funds 516 projects in the fourth round of calls for proposals.
The new tender for DIS-TANZ-IMPULS will start on January 17, 2022.

In the fourth round of calls for proposals of DIS-TANZ-SOLO, the jury has selected 516 projects by solo dance professionals with a funding volume of almost 4.4 million euros. It was possible to support projects with initial funding as well as to continue funding projects that had received initial partial funding in previous calls for proposals. Thanks to the increase in funding from NEUSTART KULTUR, a funding quota of almost 65% was achieved.


Please find the full press release under Press Realeases Archive (in German only). 
