Cultural Policy Forum I: Opening Discussion - Dance: Move the Future!

The opening discussion of the Tanzplattform 2022 is available as a recording for those interested.

Opening Discussion Dance: Move the Future!

On March 16, 2022, an opening discussion took place as a cooperative event at the TANZPLATTFORM 2022, in which the German Dance Association participated. The event marked the start of a three-part series of cultural policy forums held by the partners of the German Dance Platform, German Dance Congress, internationale tanzmesse nrw and the German Dance Association.

The discussion is availlable in the Mediathek of HAU4.


Opening discussion with Katrin Budde (Head of Committee for Culture in Parliament), Sabine Köhncke (Berlin Senate Department for Culture), Carena Schlewitt (Director at Hellerau, Dresden), Matthias Quabbe (dramaturge)
Host: Prasanna Oommen
Arlette-Louise Ndakoze, Matthias Quabbe, Melanie Suchy and Annemie Vanackere will introduce the event with a reflection.

What role can and should dance play locally, nationally and globally in the future? What particular potential does dance have for a changing society and how can this interrelationship be best promoted through cultural policy? People from dance, politics and funding practice will be discussing these questions.

Further discussions will follow at the Tanzkongress – Sharing Potentials in Mainz in June and the international tanzmesse nrw in September.

In cooperation with the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (German Dance Association).


Upcoming events:

Forum II - Tanz: Beziehungen stiften.
Tanzkongress 2022 – Sharing Potentials, Mainz
17. Juni 2022
Staatstheater Mainz


Forum III - Tanz: Transnationale Kollaboration
internationale tanzmesse nrw, Düsseldorf
02. September 2022
Neue Bibliothek Düsseldorf


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