Vereinigung deutscher Opern- und Tanzensembles e. V. (VdO)

The VdO is the trade union for members of music theater and dance ensembles on German stages. Professional stage dancers can become members of the VdO. This applies regardless of whether they work freelance, are employed or are in training. The purpose of the VdO is to represent the cultural, social, legal and economic interests of its members, whose living and working conditions are characterized by the special conditions of their professional field.

This is primarily done through regular negotiations with the German Stage Association (DBV) to adjust the collective wage agreement. The VdO also conducts negotiations on in-house collective agreements at individual theaters and assists in negotiations on works and service agreements as well as individual and collective fee agreements.
The VdO has a seat and vote on the working committee and administrative board of the Versorgungsanstalt der deutschen Bühnen (VddB), which insures all artistic employees at German theatres for additional retirement provision. It also represents its members in the relevant committees of the Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten (GVL), the Deutscher Kulturrat, the Deutscher Musikrat and the International Federation of Actors (FIA).
Furthermore, the VdO supports and advises its members in all matters arising from their professional activities. It offers them legal advice and legal protection and represents them in the relevant courts.
The union is the publisher of the bi-monthly trade journal Oper & Tanz.