Constanze Schulte

After completing a Bachelor's degree in Literature, Cultural and Media Studies (University of Siegen 2007-2011), Constanze Schulte completed a Master's degree in Cultural Education and Cultural Management (HS Niederrhein, 2011-2013) and has worked as a freelance cultural educator specialising in dance, movement and the body since then. Since her further training in Creative Body and Movement Therapy in the tradition of Anna Halprin (2015-2016) and further training in Developmental Movement Play (jabadao company, UK), she has focussed more deeply on the interaction between body and mind and the bodily experience as an interface between biology and society. 

In addition to numerous projects for children and young people (Kulturrucksack, Culturlabor, ChanceTanz, Get on stage), Constanze has been involved in One Billion Rising Mönchengladbach for women* empowerment since 2014. She also teaches cultural education, critical diversity and dance at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences and Ruhr University Bochum, as well as providing further training in anti-discriminatory and trauma-sensitive work. 

Where bodies meet in movement, embodied social (power) structures and individual experiences come together. For Constanze, working with and on bodies is therefore political in itself and requires special reflection and sensitivity.