TogetherWeDance - Dance Challenge for World Dance Day on 29 April

CREDITS: Choreography, concept, dancers: Dhélé Tchekpo Agbetou @dheleagbetou | Dancers: Alina Bakare @Aliina_BK & Viktoria Schall @viktoria_scha | Music: Prod. by Freesi @freesifreesi | Film & Editing: David Sperling @dadispe02

Dance Challenge

As the German Dance Association, we would like to initiate a joint dance action with the nationwide TogetherWeDance call for World Dance Day on 29 April and thus set an example for community, democracy and diversity! We want to promote social discourse and cohesion with you. 

For all of us who love this art form, dance is an elixir of life, social interaction and non-verbal communication, an ancient ritual, a collective experience, the joy of movement, a language that transcends cultures, fleeting beauty, ballet, hip hop, TikTok and so much more! 
National, ethnic, religious and cultural attributions are often attached to the body without reflection. Dance in its many forms can be an artistic means of shaking up attributions so that each individual is seen as a human being.

We therefore invite you to take part in a joint campaign by dance professionals, politicians and administrators to mark World Dance Day on 29 April 2024 with a dance video. Take part in the Dance Challenge on Instagram, dance with us and our board member Dhélé Agbetou and set an example for social cohesion and diversity.

Dance creates cohesion: TogetherWeDance! 

And this is how it works

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Through initiatives and projects, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland advances the nationwide issues of dance and its impact in many areas of society. Here we present our ongoing projects and funding programs.


DTD message for World Dance Day, 29 April

Dance creates solidarity!

"Dance connects people of different languages, origins, religions and cultures across borders. Every dance form reflects the uniqueness and universality of our global art form. Dance encourages us to find new ways of togetherness and challenges our physical artistry as well as our mental creativity and openness. [...] The dance makers living here come from all over the world and live, show, honour and celebrate diversity. Together we create spaces for different positions to listen to and respect each other. With dance, we create community in diversity and gain strength to bring about positive change and cohesion in our society!" 

Excerpt from the statement of the DTD board. You can find the full message here.

Work Areas

The Federal Association for Dance in Germany acts in the long term as a network partner for dance professionals, cultural practitioners, civil society actors, and policymakers. The fields of work include all issues related to the development of dance art and its visibility - from dance education, production and presentation of dance, dance research and dance science to documentation, public relations and presence of dance in the media. Furthermore, the DTD strives for a comprehensive participation of all citizens in the diversity of the art of dance.



Wir als Dachverband Tanz Deutschland unterstützen die Kampagne SHIELD & SHINE - denn wir sind auch DIE VIELEN, die gegen Rassismus, Ausgrenzung und Rechtsextremismus aufstehen. Wir rufen alle unsere Mitglieder, Kolleg*innen und unsere Freund*innen in Kultur und Politik auf, sich der Kampagne anzuschließen und lokal Proteste, Diskussionen und Sichtbarkeit zu organisieren.

HOW TO & AKTIONSWOCHEN: Als Handreichung und Unterstützung für regionale und lokale VIELEN Gruppen gibt es ein HOW TO SHIELD & SHINE Pdf mit Anregungen, Tipps und mehr für Aktionen. Weiteres Material, Logos, Dateien und Informationen als Download

Die Aktionen sollen bzw. können sich vor allem auf die folgenden Zeiträumen konzentrieren:

  • 03.06.-09.06.2024 Aktionswoche EUROPA DEN VIELEN
  • 26.08.-01.09.2024 Bundesweite Aktionswoche gegen die Normalisierung von rechtsextremer Politik

Wir planen derzeit auch entsprechende Aktionen und werden Sie über unseren Newsletter und unsere Social Media-Kanäle auf dem Laufenden halten!

German Dance Association

Get to know us!

Dachverband Tanz Deutschland acts as a long-term network partner for dance professionals, cultural practitioners, civil society actors, and politicians at the state, federal, and EU levels. In this context, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland carries out networking, advisory and mediation work for professional dance practitioners, associations and art and educational institutions. On the individual project pages you will find detailed information about the projects and individual events and workshops.