What we do...

The German Dance Association acts as a long-term network partner for dance professionals, cultural practitioners, civil society actors, and politicians at the state, federal, and EU levels. In this context, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland carries out networking, advisory and mediation work for professional dance practitioners, associations and art and educational institutions.

The fields of work include all issues related to the development of the art of dance and its connection to other areas in culture and society as well as the visibility of dance - from dance education, the production and presentation of dance, dance research and dance science to documentation, public relations and the presence of dance in the media. Furthermore, the German Dance Association strives for a comprehensive participation of all citizens in the diversity of the art of dance.

The German Dance Association pursues these goals in particular through close content-related cooperation with its members in permanent expert committees, temporary working groups and in joint initiatives, campaigns, symposia and model projects with various partners.

Member meetings and board meetings

The German Dance Association usually holds two general meetings per year. The general meetings serve the exchange and development of the topics and initiatives of the German Dance Association as well as the regulation of all association matters. The general meetings, expert committees and working groups give all members of the association the opportunity to actively participate in the work of the association.


Permanent expert committees within the Dachverband Tanz

StFA I - Ensemble and artists

StFA II - Production and structures

StFA III - Dance education / dance mediation

StFA IV - Dance science, archives and journalism

StFA V - networks and dance archives


Temporary working groups

Furthermore, there are currently the following additional temporary working groups, which have been founded within the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland to develop position papers, initiatives and model projects on the corresponding topics:

AG Ethics

AG Digitalization

Working groupe Dance Pedagogy I - Development of a professional register

Working groupe Dance Pedagogy II - Exchange platform and preparation of a conference on dance education and dance mediation

A further overview is provided by the overview Dance in Germany on associations, institutions and other actors working on a national and (supra-)regional level.